welcome to st. john

St. John Lutheran Church

520 N. Holland

Bellville, Texas 77418

Church Office (979) 865-2081

Email: sjlc@stjohn-bellville.org

YouTube Channel: St. John Bellville, TX

Facebook: @StJohnBellville

Instagram: @stjlcb

Spotify Channel: St.JohnLutheranBellville

Office Hours: 

Monday - Thursday

8:30 am - 1:00 pm

Closed Friday & Holiday's

Saturday Evening

Informal Worship - 6:00 pm

Sunday Mornings

Traditional Worship - 8:00 am

Contemporary Worship - 10:30 am

Sunday School @ 9:15 am

Youth - Opening in the Fellowship Hall

Adult - Adult Sunday School Classroom

Wednesday After School

RWC 3:45pm

Wednesday School (K-8th Grade) 5:00pm

Jr. High Fun 5:15pm

Contemporary Worship Service 6:00pm

LYO Bible Study 6:30pm

Sr. High Fun 7:00pm

Announcements and events