St. John committees

Here at St. John we offer our members a chance to be involved with many different aspects of the church through committees. Each committee has a volunteer leader as well as at least one representative from church council. This allows for the work of each committee to be promptly communicated to the church council so that action might be taken for any number of issues presented. Any member is more than welcome to join any committee that interests them, we are always looking for more active participants to help our church thrive. 

Call the church office for information on whom to contact about any of the committees. 

Church council

The Church Council of St. John Lutheran acts as the executive board for the congregation. 

They are responsible for caring for the overall congregation and coordinating its varying ministry efforts. In addition, they work with the staff to shape the overall vision and mission of the congregation as it does God’s work in the world. To be a member of church council you must be an adult member of the church in good standing and be elected by the congregation. 

2023 Council Officers:

President: Angela Hoppe

Vice President: Erik Haugen

Secretary: Wendy Jackson

Treasurer: Glenn Lange

christian education/Youth

The Sunday School Coordinator and Assistant Coordinator run this committee. The rest of this committee consists of the Youth Director and council representatives. 

This committee is responsible for:

- Choosing curriculum for the two-year-old class up through the fifth grade class with help from the committee and teachers.

- Conduct monthly meetings as a committee.

- Conduct teacher meetings twice a year.

- Collects the Sunday School attendance sheets and offerings for the church office.

- Presents the attendance pins during church.

- Help to plan the following events:

    Rally Day, God's Work Our Hands, Group Sunday School, Easter Sunday School Breakfast and Egg Hunt

- Assists with the children's Christmas Program.

- Recruitment of teachers.

Council Liaison: Jeanette Harrison & Autumn Ignasiak


The only requirements for membership are to have a willing and open heart and to participate in events at St. John as able. Having a welcoming attitude and a warm, caring manner is helpful. 

This committee is responsible for:

- Greet and welcome all members and visitors alike to ensure that they feel welcome and comfortable at St. John. 

- Plan and coordinate the Oktoberfest event annually. 

- Plan and coordinate St. John's presence at Bellville's 'Small Town Christmas' and any other community events chosen. 

- Host and prepare the meals for new member classes. 

- Coordinate refreshments and coffee between Sunday Services. 

         May occasionally need to provide aforementioned refreshments and snacks. 

- Assist pastor and other staff with activities on request. 

Council Liaison: Erik Haugen & Susan Donley

property committee

This committee is responsible for:

- Identifying and maintaining a record of any and all items needing maintenance/repairs for the entire property. 

- Maintaining a list of contractors we work with as well as a list of those who should not be called in the future. 

- Maintaining a rapport with all contractors and ensuring the contracted work is being completed. 

- Communicating with the church council on a monthly basis. 

- For more information, please see Vickie in the office. 

Council Liaisons: Angela Hoppe & Allen Zwahr

safety & security

This is a rather new committee to St. John. 

They are responsible for:

- Developing and implementing Safety Procedures to cover any disaster that affects the church.

Examples include fire, flood, or natural disasters.

social Ministries

This committee is responsible for helping several of our programs at St. John stay up and running. They also help to plan several of the events that are held at the church.

- Food Pantry

- Heifer International

- Meals on Wheels

- Operation Christmas Child

- Recycling Program

They help to plan: 

     Good Ole Country Gospel (and other events/shows)

   Various luncheons throughout the year

Council Liaison: Wendy Jackson & Kathy Smith

trust fund

This committee is composed of five members with staggered 5-year terms. Members are nominated and elected by the congregation at the annual congregational meetings in January. Members may serve two consecutive terms. One may be elected to a third term after twelve months have lapsed since the end of the second consecutive term. Expertise in investing is helpful, but not required. 

This committee is responsible for:

- Meeting quarterly with an Investment Advisor to receive a report and get advice in regards to any changes in investment strategies needed, strategies are conservative in nature. 

- Annually assess the value of the portfolio and advise the Church Council on available funds. 

- Advise the Church Council to ensure that all funds are used as outlined in the Trust Fund Committee Bylaws. 

worship & music

This committee is responsible for:

- Planning and overseeing worship services in cooperation with the staff. 

- Ensuring that worship assistants are being trained. 

- Coordinating with the choirs and musicians. 

- Responding to feedback from the congregation as needed. 

- Considering new ideas for worship or for additional services. 

Council Liaison: Curtis Koehn