April 2025 publications

    • April Newsletter

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    • Worship Assistant Schedule

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    • Faith Facts

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    (I) Informal Worship          (T) Traditional Worship          (C) Contemporary Worship




    St john Bellville app BY ministry one

    Click on an option below to download the St. John Ministry One App for your phone or device: 

    Sound of all rhythm

    New release from Mar Mar (Marshall And Martin) praise project.  “Brave New World” From Sound of All Rhythm and St. John

    Purchase your copy today at soundofallrhythm.com

      It has been a gift that I’m able to record the Gospel Singers, Handbells, a Country Tribute DVD that would help benefit LYO and the music fund. .  I have much to show and am happy to provide music through Sound of All Rhythm.  Enjoy the CD display and listening booth in our sanctuary annex. Sound of All Rhythm production company is  in helping our church and providing the outreach that I hope and pray for.  There is no overhead for the church but the church benefits from certain sales after a certain number.   Sales of the Gospel Singers and Curtis & Dennis's album go directly into the St John music fund. Sara Sowa and the Bells Choir CD sales goes directly to the annual LYO Mission Trip.  A small remaining percentage will remain with Sound of All Rhythm for future recording/video projects such as upcoming kids songs.  Continue to check in and see what a wonderful gift this is to letting God be an inspiration for such creativity. 

    Visit our website: 
